i have big dreams.
dreams of living in a community that understands love and truth and freedom. and even though i don't always live those things out, i believe in them every moment. and i want to surround myself with them.
what if.
what if love could be my song?
what if freedom was our communication?
what if truth was all over our relationships?
what if that was all that mattered?
what if healing was for certain and we believed it?
what if we grew together instead of apart?
what if we took care of one another instead of just ourselves?
what if we could call each other home?
what if questions and confrontations were comforting because we saw it as being alive and sharing life?
what if we understood what community really looks like?
what if we tried to understand each other first?
i am dreaming big about a bakery that could change the world.
that could be home. a house of love and freedom. of art and music. of dance. of truth and grace. a place to be understood and accepted. a place to find your people and your place.
right now its just a dream but what if. maybe just maybe it could become a reality.
this is just what i have in mind.