Tuesday, March 31, 2009

::from ffffound!::

before i'm twenty three, i will:

  • plant flowers in the flower boxes
  • ride my bike
  • eat at dondero's kitchen
  • write a letter to my parents
  • cook something beautiful
  • jump on my old trampoline
  • make plans to get my tattoo
i’ve got five days.

Friday, March 27, 2009

i cannot wait.
i feel like a kid thinking about it.

in other news, i am overstressed, overworked, lacking motivation, feeling like i'm drowning in things i must do and have no time for the things i love. what am i to do? where can i get some more hours?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

friday. march 20. two thousand nine.

i have lived in athens for almost five years. i am struck by the love i have for this town at some unexpected times.

i support this place. have love for the quirks, uncertainties that come with traveler's town, consistencies that come with a college town, the in and outs of music and art.

even during the times of heavy hearts, i have found joy in friday afternoons in downtown. maybe it's the freedom you can feel in air. and maybe it's my personal relief from a crazy week. but it's good.
today i spent some good time enjoying the first day of spring in this place.

i just wanted you to know that i love my town.

sorry if you are tired of hearing it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

when the blizzard hit,

(somehow i wrote this blog and forgot to post it. i still feel it necessary so here it is.)

i live in athens, georgia. i've lived in georgia my whole life. snow is rare. rarer than rare i'd say. we know about ice and we know about 100 degree summers, but we have little knowledge about snow first hand.
and it snowed. it was a blizzard. march 1, 2009 marked an epic day.
and we're not talking georgia snow which is like 1/2 an inch. we had 7 inches of snow.
it was a glorious way to begin march. a fresh start with a blanket of snow.
a day to be a kid again. where everyone is a friend, not a stranger.
where we couldn't do anything but laugh, or giggle as it may be, and jump and run, and throw snowballs.
where everyone just stopped and stood in amazement of our environment. it really made the community pause. they had no choice. it was beautiful.

honestly i smiled all day.